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How Important is Company Culture in Today's World?

How would you like to improve productivity, growth, company value, profitability and creativity at your business? According to more than half of all CEOs surveyed in a 2015 study, that's the value of company culture. If your company has a positive one, it improves the impact of your business efforts significantly. If it doesn't have a positive culture, or hasn't worked to establish one at all, you may be missing on some relatively easy growth opportunities. Here's a look at why it's important to have a positive culture at your company in today's business world.

  • Company culture creates a sense of identity that passes on to your employee's actions. Are deadlines, meetings and goals an integral part of your company culture? If they are, those values will be reflected in your employee's personal actions, allowing them to learn how to better prioritize, set goals and reach deadlines in a timely manner.

  • Positive culture attracts and retains exceptional talent. If you've ever worked with a business that has poor or negative company culture, everyone's always talking about how they're only there until something better comes along. A positive culture not only makes people want to work for you, it makes them want to stay, even when times are a little tough.

  • Company culture helps you solidify your brand identity. It's not only showing up in the office, but in all of your interactions with your customers, making your company stand out from the crowd. You're not just one of the thousands of contracting firms across the United States, you're unique in how you treat your customers and employees.

  • A positive company culture helps you build teamwork. When people are enjoying their place in your company, it makes it much easier for them to work together, rather than forming a negative outlook and dragging down all the other employees around them.

Company culture obviously has a strong impact on your bottom line, but establishing a positive culture can be a difficult process if you're not quite sure where to begin. Fortunately, you can borrow some positive culture from AccountRely by setting up a consultation with one of our experienced business consultants. It's as simple as reaching out today to get started, and your company will see amazing benefits in the process.

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